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  • Writer's picturecarolagrace

“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” – Lady Bird Johnson

From the “True Confessions” file: when it comes to gardening, I’m a complete novice. I envy those that can look at a tree or flower and instantly know it by name. Having moved to Virginia just a few months ago, I’ve been amazed by the variety of trees and flowers on this coast.

Rewind the calendar to a few weeks back. On a whim, I posted a question to a local gardening group on Facebook (you go, Northern Virginia Gardening Community!) asking for their help in identifying a newly-planted tree in our backyard. I was overwhelmed by the detailed responses that were posted. Not only did I find out what kind of tree it was (a Dogwood, the state tree of Virginia) but there were also many constructive comments regarding care and maintenance. Maybe one day I can pass along some expert gardening advice, but for now I’m very much a work-in-progress. That positive experience did serve up an important reminder: it can be incredibly rewarding to share your passion and knowledge with others.

At Give3600, our goal is finding volunteer opportunities for high school students based on their unique skills and interests. No matter what their passions may be, we’ve been able to connect our students with organizations that closely align with their specific interest. Quick example: Concerned about women’s equality in sports? We connected a student with a group focused on that.

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